  • +39.393.9776981
  • info@ilgloborealestate.it
Rif. 931-1

Commercial space in the center of Porlezza

22018 Porlezza CO, Italia

175.000 €

1 Bathrooms
135 m²



Historical center, Via Garibaldi

5 windows

135 m2 of commercial space

Possibility to amend the surface


This is spacy neat store with 5 windows. Its commercal space is 135 m2, of which 85 m2 is on the ground floor. Other 50 m2 of commercial space is of basament level with canteen and deposit area.


Location and commercial space fits to different  type of activity –medical studio, travel agency, commercial activities, physiotherapy, sale of typical products, stationery, etc.


The price of the store is 175.000 euro (acquisitions costs apart).


There is a possibility to unite this store with two adjacent ones to amend the space even more (additional price).


Available at once.

  • Window Covering